Thursday, March 1, 2007


What I wrote:

Jay, besides meaning gift and benefit, the word "grace" literally means "graciousness," which also means "acceptable, favour, pleasure." Like you and I were talking about the other Sunday, grace is an action performed by God, and therefore it is not a principle (as is gravity or inertia) but is a relationship status.

Here's what you responded:

I understand your comment how you interpreted what I wrote. I did not begin by explaining the "unmerited favor of God" mostly because I was just unloading my brain with this concept. Taken by itself, now that I think about it, what I have written so far is a little unbalanced. Your point about grace being a relationship status is well taken and everything about God must be understood through that prism. Having said that, in some way everything about God is a principle and people need to learn about how God interacts with us. He has chosen certain avenues of working in and/or through us, even Jesus walked in accordance with the same truths that we operate under. Even Jesus said "of mine own self I can do nothing." (hey, this will be a great chapter)

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